Monday 19 November 2012

Final Illustrations

Finished illustrations for the War Horse game. Putting them all Up now real quick.

I know my style is anime Disney fail face. It upsets me. But I don't think I can dig my way out of that one- especially not in time for this project. But it is pretty disheartening. Tom picked up on it really fast and I felt kinda bad; I did try to make it less cute and 'animuuu'. But honestly I like my human faces like this... Oh no. I am objectively deciding what to do with my art and avoiding certain things in pursuit of.... a style??? oh dear

Never mind; here is some body language of horses shown mostly with the ears.
And then with the bodies.

In our game your horse can be trimmed in the stable (as well as have your health and stamina improved by eating and drinking) to the players preference and depending on the weather of the mission.
Having the certain cut (the colour of the cut fur is slightly a lighter shade as you can see) will improve your horses performance slightly when used in certain situations. Basically for the seasons. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

As an example- for the Ice Fields mission- the lowest cut (Belly and Gullet) should be chosen if any at all. This means the horse has a lot of fur to keep him nice and warm but wont get ice forming on his underside where his sweat runs to.
For the summer Air Rescue mission, the top 'Hunter' cut should be chosen to shorten his coat so he does not get overly hot.

These sort of choices make the horse feel more personalized as well.

The grasses are an 'item' one would come across in the game while walking through fields. The player can choose to eat which grasses much the same as you can choose to 'Pick' flowers and weeds and such in Skyrim when you approach a bush or mushrooms etc
Your horse will graze on the grass you decide on- the grasses on the top in red will improve your horses health slightly but nothing else.
Picking the grass below in green below will improve your health and your stamina by certain high amounts based on the grass.
You can only eat so much grass before the horse is full up and can not eat any more. Over eating will make you gallop and canter slowly (because you are overweight and heavy- just like when you are carrying too much equipment).

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